Hari ni aku menangis kerana seorang SAHABAT...terkejut bile dpt taw dye sakit..serius bile dpt taw hatiku terus sebak..trase nak menangis! memang aku menangis dah pon..hehehe....syg! kamoo jage diri baek2 taw..isau betol saye gn keadaan kamoo..pasni jgn jdi lemah lagi yunk..kuatkan semangat tue k! xmo laaa lemah2 lagi..kamoo kena kuat..kena lawan sakit tue...saye sayang kamoo taw !!
dye BFF saye sampai mati..saye sayang dye sbb dye selalu ade
bsama saya tiap masa...hehe...hope cpt sihat ye yunk!!!
You make me feel so special
by the sweet things that you do,
and sharing your life wonders
your are a friend so true.
by the sweet things that you do,
and sharing your life wonders
your are a friend so true.
Your heart is full of tenderness
your cup overflows with love,
I know that your friendship came
from our dear Lord above.
You are always in my thoughts
as I hope I am in yours,
your friendship is the sweetest fruit
thru which life's blood just pours.
your cup overflows with love,
I know that your friendship came
from our dear Lord above.
You are always in my thoughts
as I hope I am in yours,
your friendship is the sweetest fruit
thru which life's blood just pours.
Walk with me as we grow old
please leave me not behind,
keep me always in your prayers
good friends are hard to find.
please leave me not behind,
keep me always in your prayers
good friends are hard to find.
There are friends who pretend to be friends but there are friends who sticks closer than a brother.....or sister..